

Generation 14+

17 year old G (known to their* friends and family as Ros) explore themselves and their identity by creating a space online to share their thoughts. Lanny just started at the same school. He is lonely and wants to fit in but due to the lockdown making friends is difficult. Playing music on his guitar Dylan is the only thing getting him through.

In a chance meeting after school pre-lockdown Lanny and G discover a common interest in music. They get to know each other better on social media and online platforms throughout the pandemic. Lanny becomes worried about G’s well-being and visits them during lockdown. During an online class, fellow student Olly presses Lanny for details about this meeting with G, and Lanny allows him to believe that they had sex. Gossip spreads. G ends their friendship with Lanny and continues to struggle with their own journey and the lack of awareness of the people around them. G’s refusal to forgive him forces Lanny to start reflecting on his behaviour and what kind of person he wants to be.

This multimedia production connects the online and offline world. iTalk addresses issues of racism, gender identity and white fragility* and shows how young people can learn about themselves and others in the process of developing their identity and taking responsibility for their own education.

*    non-binary personal pronoun

*    Discomfort and defensiveness of a white person when confronted with information about racial inequality and injustice.


With Adrian Blount and Josh Spriggs

Concept Anja Scollin und Rebecca Scott
Director Rebecca Scott
Writer Charlie Dupré
Dramaturgy Makisig Akin, An*dre Neely  und Fiona Power Klassen
Associate Director Holly Barnard
Production Manager Anja Scollin
Costume & Props Designer Marjan Boukes
Composer/Sound Designer Rob Atkinson
Lightning Design Claudine Castay
Stage Designer Leif-Erik Heine
Video Designer Julia Patey
Voice Actor George P. Scott
Screen Actor Judith Shoemaker
Graphic Designer Diana Zhang
Videographer Pius Okaba
Photographer Anthony-Icuagu
Video & Sound Technician Bryan Schall

Premiere 07.10.2021


Single person: 10.50€
Groups + "Ermäßigungsschein from JugendKulturService": 7.50€
Groups Brandenburg: 8.50€

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