Teenagers In Trouble


A comedy about migration and first love.
For Class 6 & 7

It´s 1957 - Biggy and her parents have just migrated from Berlin to Centerville, California. When Biggy bumps into Dave on the way to her first day at an American school it´s both embarassing and electrifying.
Dave´s friend Tom wants to help solve Dave´s financial problems by breaking into the Coke machine at school. But Tom hadn´t expected that Dave was not only in love with Biggy, but also with the Coke machine ...


With Olivia Dean, Fritz Leonard

Author Lindy Annis
Director Detlef Wintzen
Live Music Carolyn del Rosario

Duration 60 Minutes

Premiered 14th Feb 1992
758 Performances (July 2020)


Single person: 9.50€
Groups + "Ermäßigungsschein from JugendKulturService": 7.50€
Groups Brandenburg: 8.50€

".(..)The two-(wo)man play, in which Peter and Anja Scollin (edit: since 2018 Joshua Spriggs and Olivia Dean) play six different characters, is about reluctance to get up in the morning, aversion to school, entanglements in dodgy deals, being a foreigner, and love.(...) The hour-long play, written by Lindy Annis, is never boring. Lots of movement and wonderful facial expressions keep the young spectators on the edge of their seats."


"Even the first scene of the play TEENAGERS IN TROUBLE creates attentiveness, which is pleasantly lively(...) 'How learning can be fun' - the motto of the play is no empty promise."


"(...) Teenagers in Trouble is a very convincing, never boring production."