

A fantastic piece of theatre for all English beginners.
For Class 2 - 4

One person's trash is another one's TREASURE!

Guest starring at Playpus this year are Ash Willisen and Shai Cohen. The two talented performers have taken on the job of cleaning up the city’s streets but…

What appears to be a pile of trash turns out to be a mountain of treasure and provides the two kooky characters with hilarious and heart felt moments which constantly distract them from the task at hand. In a nutshell, (or a garbage bin) the two streetsweepers are very excellent at not getting the job done.

“We sweep the streets
And make it nice and neat
With just two brooms
And our own two feet…!”

We have created a show especially targeted at the first two year of learning English. With hip-hop, rhyme, musical and dance elements, this eclectic show, solely in English language is designed to maximise interest in and minimise any fears of, learning a new language.  

The show is great for an initial kick-off into English or as a cementer of what been happening in the first years of class. It’s an educational but non-condescending dip into helpful and essential first words and phrases of the early English learning years.

We are delighted that this dynamic duo has joined us and will be touring schools and theatres this summer and into next year.

Grab your class and come and see it or send us an email about organizing a show in your school.




Mit Shai Cohen und Ash Willison
Regie & Puppe - Rachel Pattison
Musik - Ash, Shai & Samir
Kostüme - Lydia Juric
Bühne & Licht - Richard Krutzsch



9. April 2024


Single person: 9.50€
Groups + "Ermäßigungsschein from JugendKulturService": 7.50€
Groups Brandenburg: 8.50€