We offer many diffrent workshop formats for highschool kids.
Below you will see a short overview. Please click on the link to take you to a more detailed information about the content and organisation of each workshop.
English Theater Workshops – “Let's get together!”
Our classic theatre workshop aimed at young people of all shapes, sizes and walks of life. This workshop explores basic theatre principals but is especially designed for those tricky teenage years. The workshop has a focus on the group and we encourage everyone to support and act as a team.
Political Workshops – Let’s get talking! – subsidized by the Landes Zentrale für Politische Bildung
Based on the belief that everyone has something to say we have developed four workshops based on political issues that affect all of us across society. The short version of the workshop in subsidised for Berlin school. All details here…
This Workshop is based on our production „Food Fight“ and suitable for grades 7-10. Taken by „Food Fight“-actor and experienced workshop facilitator Carina Zox, this workshop is a great addition to a visit to our great new show.
Body-Language – Says it all! – Grades 8-10
A workshop specifically aimed at the subject of job application and interviews. Coming into the aim where mimic, gesture, movement, articulation, distance and space all play a role in how we are seen by others especially future employers.
Für weitere Informationen oder zur Buchung: workshops@platypus-theater.de oder rufen Sie uns an 030 61401920.